Updates, Products James Acken Updates, Products James Acken

Fáilte, a Dhomain!

Our first blog post here on the incipient Acken Studios blog covers the setup of our Etsy shop, new Print-on-Demand offerings, news for December, and a bit about our plans to develop the business. In the future we'll be posting events we'll be attending, ways to get discounts, and any other relevant information. Join us!

Fáilte, go deihmin!

It’s been far too long before getting this blog up and running, but here just past the full moon before Alban Arthan (that’s the Winter Solstice, fyi) it’s about time to start posting up what’s going on. That’s what this blog is for: a kind of news feed at what’s going on — and there is always a crazy amount of it!

Just to kick things off in the simplest way (though I know that is against the Code of the ManticCore) the last month has seen the development of our first step into the maker-marketing maelstrom that is Etsy and the development of print-on-demand listings just in time for the holidays. Here is a sample of some of the Artwork!

Naturally our shop here on the Acken Studios site also features the same products, and the plan is to set up three separate shops to accommodate the different strands of our work: popular culture (Mythographer X), knowledge that makes a better future by connecting us to the past, one another and the world (Coire), and applied ingenuity to develop our technology in wholly new ways (Ealaín).

We’ve also done a little bit of consultation work which has been very exciting and fun, and are working right now on a new project that, if all goes well, may come to light this coming Spring. Of course, there are so many possible, new projects that … well, let’s just say it can get a little bewildering.

That’s enough for a start right now, but you can expect updates at fairly regular intervals! Slán go fóill!

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