The Electric Legendarium

A series of authentic medieval texts read in the original language and accompanied with images and animation to aid in comprehension.

The Power of Medieval Storytelling

Medieval storytelling is both profound and multilayered, far moreso than many today realize. Modern language has changed greatly since the days of Charlemagne and William Wallace, so it is rare for modern listeners to appreciate the musicality and nuance of this tradition. The Electric Legendarium is a project resurrecting the sound of original texts drawn directly from medieval manuscripts and illustrating their meaning with art and animation.

Cú Chulainn from the Táin Bó Cuailgne, Beowulf and Hallgrim from Brennu Njals Saga

Behind the Name

A legendarium is a collection of compelling tales, the word coming from the Latin gerund legendum meaning ‘what must be read.’ Our modern word ‘legend’ comes from this as well, but the term legendarium is a collection where legends may be found. Many medieval manuscripts can be considered legendaria since they carry many such tales in them, many more than most realize, and the Electric Legendarium brings these into our modern digital world.

Gawain & the Grene Knight

This well-known tale, popularized in several film and comic adaptations, is the classic tale of the Arthurian Knight on a perilous quest into the magical wild. With roots in Celtic myths of head-taking and mythic rejuvenation, this story is told in four fitts or sections.


Soccs & Buskin